Material Compatibility
updated 3 years ago
Category or Product:
C. DeoxIT® D Series
Q: (21942) I there a list posted of materials DeoxIT D100L should NOT come it contact with? I want to clean the joints of 'gunked-up' Leatherman multi-tools. Stainless steel, mild steel, tool steel, brass, bronze. Thank-You
updated 3 years ago
Category or Product:
F. DeoxIT® Fader
Q: (21607) Message: Hello Is the DeoxIT Fader product conductive itself? Don't want to short out product. Thank you,
updated 4 years ago
Category or Product:
C. DeoxIT® D Series
Q: (20271) Any idea how to eliminate squeaky brushes on a vehicle?
Lubrication of pots
updated 4 years ago
Category or Product:
C. DeoxIT® D Series
Q: (19951) I have read the posts concerning the cleaning of noisy/intermittent potentiometers on newer and antique equipment. I think there is some lubrication if using 100% D5? If a smoother, more tactile feel is desired than achieved after using 5%...
updated 4 years ago
Category or Product:
A. General Question
Q: (19851) Hi I have pretty much exclusively used DeoxIT D5 on pots and anything I want to improve the conductivity of. Should I be using Fader spray on the rotary pots instead? I did read where someone claimed that DeoxIT leaves a film which attract...
updated 5 years ago
Category or Product:
A. General Question
Q: (18467) CAIG, Where can I find the shelf life of the products I purchased? Thank you, Grant
updated 5 years ago
Category or Product:
B. DeoxIT® General/Multiple
Q: (18463) I'm trying to understand your product part numbers. How do I know the product is 5% or 100%. And how much cleaning does each product do?
updated 5 years ago
Category or Product:
B. DeoxIT® General/Multiple
Q: (18425) I have used DeoxIT® and DeoxIT® GOLD in most of their available forms on vintage audio equipment by McIntosh Laboratories and Marantz. It does an outstanding job of removing oxidation, and has made a noticeable improvement in the sound qua...
updated 5 years ago
Category or Product:
B. DeoxIT® General/Multiple
Q: (18420) Hello CAIG, I've used both the D5S-6 and D5S-6-LMH products and both work well. What is the difference and when would I use each? Thanks, Greg
updated 5 years ago
Category or Product:
B. DeoxIT® General/Multiple
Q: (18419) Hi CAIG, I purchased a case of D5 a year or so ago. I just started to use one of the last cans and the sprayer is starting to drip. It doesn't spray like the other ones. Please advise? Regards, Don