Q: (19851)


I have pretty much exclusively used DeoxIT D5 on pots and anything I want to improve the conductivity of.

Should I be using Fader spray on the rotary pots instead?

I did read where someone claimed that DeoxIT leaves a film which attracts dust etc. is this correct?

Thanks for your assistance.

Marked as spam
Posted by mark1406 (Questions: 1, Answers: 0)
Asked on October 23, 2020 1:01 pm
Private answer

Hello Mark,
Using the DeoxIT D5 on the rotary pots is fine. DeoxIT Fader is mostly used on linear faders, as on mixing consoles.
DeoxIT does not attract dust unless you WAY over apply it. In fact, independent dust testing conducted shows better contact resistance reduction with DeoxIT.

Thank you for your question and being a loyal customer!

Dr. DeoxIT®

Marked as spam
Posted by Dr-DeoxIT® (Questions: 68, Answers: 81)
Answered on October 23, 2020 1:11 pm