Q: (19362)

I run into a lot of corrosion formed by leaky zinc/carbon and alkaline batteries. The battery electrolyte is caustic and forms a hard coating on the nickel plated battery contacts.

DeoxIT D-Series doesn’t seem to have any effect on this type of corrosion. I have to mechanically remove as much of the corrosion as possible and rinse it with a mild acid (dilute water and vinegar) followed by blowing dry with compressed air. After that I use one of the DeoxIT lube products to protect from further corrosion.

What are your thoughts or comments on this issue?

Thank you,

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Posted by Dr-DeoxIT® (Questions: 68, Answers: 81)
Asked on July 31, 2020 2:40 pm
Private answer

Good morning Paul,

Yes, this is a common problem. Depending on how severe the coating (usually potassium carbonate) is, it would take a non-abrasive brush to remove the hard surface coating.
The DeoxIT® D-Series once applied would over time lift the coating off the surface, however, depending on how severe, it's best to use a brush to remove most of the coating.
Then apply the DeoxIT® D-Series and it will remove and lift off the remaining coating and microscopic oxidation/corrosion and thereby improve the conductivity of the connections..
As you mentioned, it will then provide a layer of DeoxIT® to protect the surface. Unless there are any leaks in the casing of the battery, the DeoxIT® should prevent further buildup of the caustic coating.

Good luck.


Best regards,
Dr. DeoxIT®

Marked as spam
Posted by Dr-DeoxIT® (Questions: 68, Answers: 81)
Answered on July 31, 2020 2:41 pm