Q: (18362)

Hi Caig,

I have an Oberheim OB-8 synth which has quite tight pots that are difficult to turn (some more than others) but none perform how I want them to – an easy smooth and very quick turn. The tightness of the pots is apparently very typical of the ‘OB’ series and what we have found is that the lubrication in the mechanism of pots that get used the least over time start to harden. The synth works perfectly (the sound is fine when the pots are turned) but they are just extremely hard to turn. Do you think your product would really help?

The thing is, I don’t really want it leaking all on the inside of my synth when I spray.  In which case the DeoxIT DN5S-6N quick drying stuff may be less messy but they are pretty stubborn pots and perhaps slow drying might give more time to give them a thorough turning with DeoxIT inside to loosen them and the flushing action might help?

Which would you recommend?

Do all cans include a accurate spraying straw that fit into even small pot gaps too? Does the mini spray have a smaller more accurate straw or are they both the same size? The reason I ask, is that it cheaped out and got some product and the straw wouldn’t fit inside the small Oberheim OB-8 pot gap and product didn’t work well.


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Posted by Dr-DeoxIT® (Questions: 68, Answers: 81)
Asked on April 16, 2020 4:36 pm
Private answer



For lubricating tight pots, we would recommend two options.  Use the DeoxIT® D-Series and spray into pot.  Both the D5S-6 and DN5S-6N get the DeoxIT® fluid onto the pot and lubricate it.  Using the DN5S-6N is what I would choose to minimize dripping and overspray. You have many options for nozzles and attachments.  Please take a look and select which is best for you.


Option 2:  If you need more tactile feel and lubrication, you could add the DeoxIT® FaderGrease after applying the DeoxIT® D-Series.

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Posted by Dr-DeoxIT® (Questions: 68, Answers: 81)
Answered on April 16, 2020 4:46 pm