CAIG Rosin NO-CLEAN Soldering Flux, TYPE RSF-R39
Part No. RSF-R39-2:
Jar, 50 grams
Applicator: Jar
Formulation: Rosin (CAS 8050-09-7), proprietary ingredients
Use: Precision electrical soldering
Notes: Precision soldering of electrical connections for non-clean applications. Use Soldering Flux, TYPE RSF-R80 for general soldering.
- RSF-R39 Rosin No Clean Flux is a mildly-activated rosin flux that is considerably more active than water-white rosin
- Recommended for electrical and electronic soldering applications
- Excellent for P.C.B repair and rework
- No refrigeration necessary
- Can be safely left on the circuit board after reflow without cleaning
- Appearance: Smooth and tacky amber paste
- Viscosity (Malcom): Typically 200 – 280 at 5 rpm @ 25 C
- Tack strength (per IPC J-STD-004):
Initial TBD 6 hr @ 50%RH TBD 24 hr @ 50%RH TBD Fineness of Grind < 10 micrometer Acid
Number (mg KOH/g) 90-110 - Halide content ROL0, per IPC J-STD-004, Halide free
- Halogen content None intentionally added
- IPC SIR J-STD-004B Pass
- Bellcore SIR (pass > 1011) Pass, 8.9X109, Ohms at 96 hours 2.2X1010 at 500 hours Pass/Fail = final > initial/10)
- Shelf life of unopened containers is nominally 12 months. If the material has been chilled, the container should be allowed to reach room
- Nonflammable, noncorrosive.