Q: (18545)

This is Simon. may I ask some questions about  D5 Spray, D-Series?

I cannot find the effective time of the DeoxIT® D5 Spray, D-Series from your datasheet and website.
I would like to use your D5 to avoid oxidation on the silver-plated metal of products.

Do you have any suggestions for how often to use your D5 on my product? and how long is D5 effective time?


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Posted by Dr-DeoxIT® (Questions: 68, Answers: 81)
Asked on April 27, 2020 5:15 pm
Private answer

Morning Simon,

How long DeoxIT® will last/protect, depends on many variables; environment, temperature ranges, etc.

We generally tell people to apply, then check every six months.  If inspection looks good, keep checking every six months. 
You will then be able to quantify the results.

As a rule;

If the application is in a pristine environment (clean room), it should last 10 years or more.
If under normal household environments, it should last 3-5 years.
Extreme conditions; high salt, humidity and/or pollution, check every six months.

Dr. DeoxIT®

Marked as spam
Posted by Dr-DeoxIT® (Questions: 68, Answers: 81)
Answered on April 27, 2020 5:16 pm