Q: (18472)

Hello, I work for a kiteboarding school and we use radio helmets. We work in a salt environment.   I have noticed that or radio helmets systems keep on failing.  While trying to repair them myself, since we are in Mexico and warranties take forever, I have noticed quite a bit of discoloration, corrosion? On the RCA jacks that plugs in the Bluetooth radios.  I read that some of your products will disintegrate O-ring seals.  Now because of that I am being cautious about using your products so my question is : Do you have one of your products that is safe for the little O-rings that seals the cables from water insertion?  We use Btalkin units if you are wondering.  Also I have watched a video about your new nozzle on your can and. That guy has a point, why change something that works great!   Thanks,


Marked as spam
Posted by Dr-DeoxIT® (Questions: 68, Answers: 81)
Asked on April 20, 2020 8:21 pm
Private answer



Our DeoxIT® products are fine on O-rings. Depending on the material, if you use one of our aerosols (D5S-6, D5S-6-LMH) which include a slow evaporating solvent (aerosols mostly have a carrier solvent), the solvent may swell a rubber O-ring temporarily. After the solveny evaporates the O-ring will return to its original state. Our non-flammable, fast-evaporating sprays (DN5S-6N, DN5S-6N-LMH, DN5S-2N), the solvent evaporates very quickly, 2-5 seconds, so they will not effect the O-Rings.

To be safe, use a non-aerosol applicator (100% solution), such as Part No. D100L-2DB

Link: https://caig.com/deoxit-d-series/

Dr. DeoxIT®
Marked as spam
Posted by Dr-DeoxIT® (Questions: 68, Answers: 81)
Answered on April 20, 2020 8:27 pm