Increase laptop battery life from 1-1/2 hours 8 hours

Where: Apply DeoxIT® GOLD to gold contact pins
Ideal Applicator: DeoxIT® GOLD Pen
Alternate: Spray

Just got back from a cruise with my laptop and I was getting about 8-9 hours on a charge. Since then, I have been getting progressively less and less on a charge – down to just under 2 hours. Found a DeoxIT® and DeoxIT® GOLD Kit at RadioShack® for $15.00 and sprayed the contacts of the power plug and jacks with the two-step solution in pocket-sized spray cans. The result was that my charging rate went back up to 8 hours and I have had no other problems since. It saved me the cost of a new battery and I’ve started using it on everything around the house.

Submitted by N. Fisher