Oxidation / Protection Compare TestDeoxIT® D-Series, DeoxIT® Gold G-Series (ProGold), DeoxIT® Shield S-Series (PreservIT) compared to other Industry Contact Cleaners / Lubricants
Oxidation / Protection TestDeoxIT® D-Series, DeoxI® Gold G-Series (ProGold), DeoxIT® Shield S-Series (PreservIT).
Protection TestProtection Test: DeoxIT® D-Series, DeoxIT® Gold G-Series (ProGold), DeoxIT® Shield S-Series (PreservIT).
Oxidation / Protection Compare TestDeoxIT® D-Series, DeoxIT® Gold G-Series (ProGold), DeoxIT® Shield S-Series (PreservIT) compared to other Industry Contact Cleaners / Lubricants
Oxidation / Protection TestDeoxIT® D-Series, DeoxI® Gold G-Series (ProGold), DeoxIT® Shield S-Series (PreservIT).
Protection TestProtection Test: DeoxIT® D-Series, DeoxIT® Gold G-Series (ProGold), DeoxIT® Shield S-Series (PreservIT).
Reference OLD to NEW ProductsReferencing OLD products (Cramolin, CAEON) with NEW CAIG replacement products.